Bump in

If you and your business are new to exhibitions then there may be some unfamiliar terms thrown around. One of the most commonly used exhibition terms is ‘bump in’ – meaning setting up for your exhibition, which usually takes place in the days leading up to the event.

While Grand Stand Events does offer a bump in service for our clients we do understand that this may not be an option or of interest for some businesses. While bumping in can be relatively complex, there are definitely tips and tricks to make the process run smoothly.

One of the most important things to remember is safety first! A bare exhibition centre with stands under construction can be a hazardous environment so always wear closed-in shoes and any other safety clothing or equipment you may require. This could include a safety vest, safety goggles or safety headwear. Also keep in mind the AC will be off during bump in, so be prepared for the potential heat especially in summer.

You should also plan your day. Allow plenty of time for delays on site so you are prepared for any issues which may arise. It’s better to create time for potential hitches rather than letting those moments dictate your schedule.

Similarly, you should also plan your team for the day. How many staff members will you need to get the job done? Have a think about the size of your exhibition and the tasks at hand. Ensure that you have enough team members at hand to avoid poor quality work, stress and missed deadlines.

Planning = a well organised bump in and a smooth build.

Speak with our experienced
team on 1300 979 114
Unit G/7  Donaldson Street
North Wyong NSW 2259