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DELL at Vivid Sydney 2022

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We built this with our sister company The Party Hire Company and our client VMLY&R.

The build took 6 days and featured custom-made black marquee walls and roof with company branding and an external 7m x 1.5m LED screen that was used to showcase the YOUNIVERSE created with the DELL XPS technology.

The interior was fitted with our custom aluminium framing which allowed us to divide the marquee into the different YOUNIVERSES, VMLY&R then had artists curate the YOUNIVERSE see more details click here.


Vivid Sydney is an annual celebration of creativity, innovation, and technology, which transforms Sydney for 23 days and nights. In 2022, for its 12th year, Vivid Sydney fused art, innovation and technology in collaboration with some of the most boundary-pushing artists, thinkers and musicians of our time.



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