The ANU Open Day 2023 was an interactive event aimed at showcasing the extensive facilities, innovative programs, and vibrant student life at the esteemed Australian National University.

As a leading educational institution, ANU attracts a diverse range of students from across the globe, and the Open Day provided an ideal platform for students to gain insights into the university and explore their academic options.

Grand Stand Events, has been working in partnership with ANU since 2013 to plan and execute the Open Day successfully. We were also very fortunate this year to receive support from our sister company, The Party Hire Company, who supplied several Hocker Marquees on the campus grounds, serving as registration and course information areas.

The most exciting part of the event for us was the unveiling of our brand new custom container, designed and developed to be highly portable and easily customisable. The container was deployed as an information base camp and offered visitors a unique and engaging experience. The deployment of the container showcased the innovation and creativity of our capabilities.

Grand Stand Events played a crucial role in laying over 260 meters of vinyl stickers across the grounds, providing essential directional signage and ensuring seamless navigation for attendees around the campus.

The Open Day was a resounding success, and we are proud to have had the help of our sister company TPHC, leveraging their expertise and seamless teamwork to deliver exceptional event experiences.

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